Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Nut Tree

Took a load of parts to R.V. Dr. George, where KD is having a lovely spa stay to get her bathroom remodeled.  On the way back I needed a comfort break and on impulse stopped at the Nut Tree.  It's been a long time since I was here last and much has changed.  The once isolated traveler's outpost has grown into a collection of monstrous strip malls.  In the center is the latest incarnation of the Nut Tree itself, with a cute little train, a carousel, and a collection of kiddie rides.

Now I'm waiting for my Super Bird at the Dennys across the road.  Despite it's charms, i didn't see any appealing options for food, and didn't want to take the time to search more.

Last shot is sunset over the Nut Tree.

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