Saturday, January 4, 2014

Slab City Utilities

Out here, you  bring your utilities with you.  Yesterday we hooked up one 85-watt solar panel to recharge KD's batteries.  The nice thing about this is that I am borrowing my friend's panel and charge controller, so I can see how they work and get an idea of what is involved and what I need for my specific application.

Right now we just have the panel propped against KD's spare tire, facing pretty much directly into the sun.
Here is the charge controller, for this temporary installation just mounted to the battery tray.  My campmate found a nice little piece of what looks to be redwood from the firewood pile to mount it on.

Ordinarily it would be mounted inside the utility/service bay to keep it safe from weather and sticky fingers.  For this short trip, we decided it was simplest to mount it here.  The charge controller should be as close to the batteries as possible, and I don't think we could have gotten much closer than this,

When I woke up, I noticed it wasn't as bright as I expected.  I peeked out the window and saw solid overcast.  Wouldn't you know it!  Fortunately, later in the day the sun did come out.  It wasn't a great "solar day," but the controller did show that the battery was getting charge and we ended better than we started.  Ideally there should be one panel per battery, but space and weight considerations being what they are, we are trying to get away with just one for this stay.  I can tell already, however, that the one panel is having to work pretty hard to charge the batteries.  When I get my own setup, I will definitely want 2 panels and a charge controller mounted inside.

In other news, my campmates brought something other than good cheer and solar power with them.  I now have the cold they both have had.  I am mildly miserable, and so today was a quiet day.  Slept in, did some reading, went to dinner at the Buckshot Café and Diner in town (more about that tomorrow).  There have been other doings here, news and happenings with both KD and the community at large, but power to the laptop is getting low and I need to get under the warm covers and try to beat this infection.  So it's off to bed for me.

Here's a shot of my bed, made up and waiting.  When I am making it up, I feel like a Pullman Porter.  Baby  Bear says I forgot the mint on the pillow, so he offers himself instead.

Goodnight, all!

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