Sunday, June 16, 2013

Amarillo Thunderstorm

Terrific thunderstorm right now.  I can't leave the Flying J because I'm blocked in by another vehicle.  Maybe that's just as well.  Waitress in the Dennys where I had dinner called me sweetie and offered to drive me to KD so I wouldn't have to walk through the rain.  But I managed to walk across the parking lot without getting soaked.  KD snug and dry!   Very tired.  Will try to sleep.
Update:  I did sleep, but each nudge of the wind rocked KD and made me nervous.  In the morning the vehicle that had blocked me in was gone, but before I could move, another took its place.  That one left too, but then a third pulled in.  I went and asked her if she planned to be there long and she said she worked there.  I threw all dignity to the winds and asked if she could just move long enough for me to squeeze by, told her I was new at this trailering stuff and terrified to back up (the part about being terrified to back up was true at least).  She looked annoyed, but said she would move in a minute.  She went in (probably to clock in), and then came and moved her truck.  I blew her a kiss and gave her a wave as I left, and she waved back cheerfully, so maybe she wasn't too irritated.

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