Sunday, June 9, 2013

Black, Red, and White

This morning I kept hearing a familiar bird call.  It sounded like the redwing blackbird.  When I finally staggered out of the Goose in search of potty and hot water to revive myself, I saw this lovely little patch of grassland.  They were redwing blackbirds alright, swooping and courting and calling madly.  None of them deigned to appear in this photo, and I couldn't manage to grab a pic of the little guys with their brilliant red shoulder patches.  But they were there. 
I managed to get a sweet spot at the North Platte Flying J last night when somebody moved out of it.  It was right in the corner next to this grassy patch.  That meant I only had "exposure" on the passenger side of the truck, and could be near a little bit of green and wildlife.  I rigged a curtain up and that helped too.  Up to now I've been too lazy or just too tired to deal with curtains, but I will probably try to make more of an effort toward it because it makes a difference.  This spot was apparently the Flying J's best amenity, because they didn't have space in their 24 hour restaurant (a Denny's) for me to plug in.  They did have one booth with plugs, but it was occupied.  I didn't like their price for gas either, so I bailed on them and came to the nearest Starbuck's. 
It's very busy here.  The baristas are getting slammed, but it looks like mostly people who want to grab their coffees and go, so there are lots of tables with outlets available.  Good 'ol Starbucks!  You may be corporate sell-outs, but I'm glad you are here today. 
There are a lot of people in here.  Every single one of them is white.  Think about this for a minute, folks back home.  Not a single person in here who isn't white.  Everybody who knows me knows this is not a value judgment or a racial slur.  It reflects the fact that I've always lived where it is very ethnically diverse, so it is sort of culture shock to see the monochrome human landscape in the heartland.  And instead of making me feel like I totally fit in around here, it makes me feel kind of weird.  Which I will remember when I am back home and occasionally feel outnumbered.
Update:  after posting the above, a black lady walked into the Starbucks.  I figured that would probably happen.  It's what usually happens to me when I make snap judgments.  She is not from the US, she had a lovely accent.  She politely approached the two ladies at the next table and asked them for advice about finding a house to rent in the area.  They were extremely nice to her, and gave her contacts of property owners they knew with a lot of houses to rent, and advice about the best places to look. The three of them wound up having a nice conversation.  These are good, decent people here.  There's hope for us all yet.

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