Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Post Updates

Hey people, if you are looking for more content, I have gone back and updated many of the previous posts, which you may not realize if you've just been reading along sequentially.  I have limited time for blogging, and have probably been doing far more typing than I should and far less driving than I should.  When I get time (and a set of outlets) I try to go back and fill things out.  I still have a number of older posts I want to update with the full story (like Elm Crick, Fort Cody, Cabela's in Sidney, and even the one about Bill and Ray at Little America).  I'll try to give you a heads up when I do that.  For now, just go back and browse (starting about Wyoming) and see if you missed anything I added after first putting the post up.  (pictures, text, etc.)

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