Friday, June 7, 2013

Super Thrift

Just getting ready to leave here.  Stumbled on this place on the way to another store  and decided to check it out.  More later.

Update:  I had just tried to visit Our Place on Logan Avenue, a smaller thrift shop.  A description I'd read when researching shopping in Cheyenne made it sound interesting, but they appeared to be closed when I got there.  On the way to Murdoch’s I saw Super Thrift and couldn't resist checking it out instead.

Like my favorite thrift store back home (which I'm not going to tell you about because it's my secret), Super Thrift is in an old bowling alley.  They've got a lot of space in there, and a fair bit of merchandise.  A lot of books, which unfortunately I didn't have time to browse, housewares, furniture, appliances, and lots of clothes.  These folks sort their clothes by size, which is a plus.  They also have some real antiques and vintage collectibles as well.  There was a parlor organ in the furniture section, a lot of used mattresses (ew), many CRT televisions (everybody has flat screens now, I guess).
It was very hot and humid inside, despite many fans blowing.  I didn't see anything I couldn't live without, though I was tempted by this great old Coleman water jug, because it reminded me of one we had when I was a kid.  It used to go on long car trips with us, filled with ice water in case we became unbearable thirsty while on the road.  That was in the day before bottled spring water and fancy sports water bottles took over.  I didn't buy it, I just decided to appreciate it for a moment.
If you're into thrift stores, this one is worth a visit, though it doesn't compare to the wonderfully hip N2U in Laramie.

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