Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Freight Delivered!

Met my customer's agent this morning (her son-in-law), and handed over the freight I'd agreed to bring from California.  Those of you who know about this particular little sideline job of the MKT&T Co. Ltd. will know how very, very happy I am to have discharged my responsibilities for that job. 

There was a meeting of the board at MKT&T this morning (we are very informal so we just met at Starbucks).  It was unanimously decided that from now on we will be working only for the parent company MKE (Mountain Kimmie Enterprises).  No general contracting or public customers.  Goose got a vote, and she enthusiastically agreed with this decision.

1 comment:

  1. yea!
    east of the Misssissippi and unloaded
    unlocked and unloaded
    this is getting better and better
    can't wait to see the Southern Route
    and Indiana!
    and the trailer
    does the trailer have a name yet?
